Living in London….incredible, gratifying, aggravating, memorable, frustrating, exciting. All of these descriptions could accurately match my feelings at certain points in time over the last two years. In less than two months, I’ll be moving back to the New York City area, the place I used to call home for eight years prior to my […]
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London; Being a Tourist in my Own City
June 25, 2013
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I don’t know about you, but I rarely appreciate what’s right in front of me in the city where I reside… I’ve walked across the Tower Bridge now more times than I can count, where I’ve passed by tourists from all around the world taking photographs. By the time I get to the halfway point, […]
Recap: Springtime in London
June 21, 2013

June 2013. I’ve been living in London for a year and a half now, the longest amount of time I’ve ever lived outside of the United States. As I reflect back on this past spring, I’ve considered the unique experiences I’ve had as a result of living in London. There have been so many remarkable activities […]
Living in London; everyday differences
May 16, 2013

A large, global metropolitan city, London has a population of over 8,000,000 residents. Previously having lived in New York City, the fast-paced life of both cities convey similarities. Culturally, however, there’s a few differences. None of these differences are life changing or really that important at all in the scope of things! But when I do […]
This pub or that pub?
February 19, 2013

You want to take in the London culture, therefore an immersion into the London pub scene is necessary. You’ve endured a long flight, made it to the hotel, and finally you set out to find that perfect British pub. But now it’s decision-making time: this pub or that pub? With approximately 6,000+ pubs in London, […]
One Year Living in London
January 21, 2013

As of today I’ve been living in London for exactly one year. I thought it’d be fun to record some of the things I’ve learned since arriving. GENERAL THINGS: Living abroad… is not always fun and exciting. There are times when little tasks become more frustrating and difficult when you’re out of your comfort zone in […]
Finding Writing Inspiration at London Pubs
January 4, 2013
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January 4th, 2013. I needed writing inspiration, as well as a break from the coffee shop chains of Costa, Caffe Nero, and Starbucks that I usually spend time at these days while imagining I’m going to my office to get some serious work done. I’ve been reading a book entitled A Readers Guide to Writers London. […]
Let’s talk about tipping…
December 11, 2012
I was a server in various restaurants over the years, both in New York City and in the state of Pennsylvania. The American standard of tipping is high. We expect 15-20% of the check/bill if we do a good job. That’s how servers get paid really. The $3 or $4 an hour (not sure what […]
November 20, 2013