I thought I could go without turkey. I had stuffed myself with it every year for 30+ years before so what was one Thanksgiving without it? After all, I was lucky. Jim and I were flying to Vienna, Austria for the long weekend on Thanksgiving night, a trip guaranteed to be memorable. But when Thanksgiving […]
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London; Being a Tourist in my Own City
June 25, 2013
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I don’t know about you, but I rarely appreciate what’s right in front of me in the city where I reside… I’ve walked across the Tower Bridge now more times than I can count, where I’ve passed by tourists from all around the world taking photographs. By the time I get to the halfway point, […]
Everyone’s British at the Queen’s Boat Festival
December 7, 2012
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We moved to London at an amazing year! The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, celebrating 60 years of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, and the Olympics! The city was alive and I’m happy that we were able to take part in some of the festivities. One of the most memorable was for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee River Pageant […]
November 10, 2013
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