You want to take in the London culture, therefore an immersion into the London pub scene is necessary. You’ve endured a long flight, made it to the hotel, and finally you set out to find that perfect British pub. But now it’s decision-making time: this pub or that pub? With approximately 6,000+ pubs in London, […]
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London Walks: Thames riverfront, south side
February 18, 2013

One of my favorite weekend activities, whether I’m in London or traveling, is to walk…everywhere! I’ve learned so much about life in a city by observing the scene around me, noticing how one street changes from another, and discovering everyday life in that neighborhood. Today I’m starting a new series of informational type posts for […]
V&A Museum’s Impressive Theatre Display
February 12, 2013
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Museums can be fun?! London is the perfect city for touring museums. There are museums with topics ranging from art & science to war & history, and almost all of the major ones are free to enter. (See a list here.) Hearing the word “museum” usually reminds me of long, boring days spent on school field […]
View from the Shard Experience
February 4, 2013

Since I’ve been young, I’ve loved skyscrapers. I will always remember the feeling of amazement I experienced when I first saw the Manhattan skyline. Though the 2001 WTC attacks forever changed people’s perceptions on tall buildings, I am proud that New York City has rebuilt and that One World Trade Center is soon opening. Two years ago, […]
Climbing “The Monument” in London
January 28, 2013

“Built between 1671 and 1677 to commemorate the Great Fire of London and to celebrate the rebuilding of the city” (Monument Info Website), the Monument is an important structure in the city of London. I’ve always been fascinated by The Great Fire and its role in London’s history. 1/3 of the city and 100,000 homes were destroyed […]
One Year Living in London
January 21, 2013

As of today I’ve been living in London for exactly one year. I thought it’d be fun to record some of the things I’ve learned since arriving. GENERAL THINGS: Living abroad… is not always fun and exciting. There are times when little tasks become more frustrating and difficult when you’re out of your comfort zone in […]
Finding Writing Inspiration at London Pubs
January 4, 2013
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January 4th, 2013. I needed writing inspiration, as well as a break from the coffee shop chains of Costa, Caffe Nero, and Starbucks that I usually spend time at these days while imagining I’m going to my office to get some serious work done. I’ve been reading a book entitled A Readers Guide to Writers London. […]
Pub quizzes and more
December 11, 2012

Three days after moving into our London flat, my husband and I visited our new neighborhood pub, the Kings Arms, for their weekly “Quingo” night, a combination of a pub quiz and bingo. (picture source – Kate Pugh, The pub was crowded. Turned out the “pub quiz” portion was the first 3 hours of the […]
February 19, 2013