During my recent visit back to the US, my friends and family were interested in knowing “What’s your favorite travel spot?” My answer began as a babbling reply about how I’ve liked each place for their own unique qualities…and then ended in a complete avoidance of the answer. It’s actually overwhelming to think about! I […]
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A weekend in Copenhagen, Denmark
June 27, 2013

Our 2nd time in Copenhagen. Our first visit to the city last December proved to be so great that it left us wanting more… I usually try to keep the tourist-related activities to a minimum, but this time around, we opted to participate in a few, with zero regrets. Winding climb up for spectacular views I […]
The Copenhagen Experience
December 20, 2012

CHRISTMAS IN THE AIR… Denmark. Lured by a cheap EasyJet flight – (this is usually our plan of attack in deciding where our next vacation will be) – we set off to Copenhagen. What better way to get in the Christmas mood than to go to the country that is one of the “European champions […]
September 7, 2013